No? ok.
Apparently we (2 more + me) were a week early for the lecture. They don't start until week 2. Thanks guys for letting us know ;)
No probs, still had some things to do around campus, pick up my ID card, hand in some forms etc.
After the admin was done, I got back home and decided to do a spot of cleaning. My room needed hoovering, however the hoover didn't have much suction. Side note: I love the way how 98% of people are bemused when the hoover loses suction. I don't think that my housemates ever dreamed that a hoover is like an electronic bin that needs emptying... ah... Fast forward the hoovering and cleaning of the entire communal area, I went back to my room and started on my bathroom. I was very much looking forward to this bout of cleaning as I bought a massive bottle of bleach which was going to do wonders. It did.
The bleach spilt on my hand.
My hand with no glove.
My hand with eczema. *pause for shock* ARRRGGGHHH!!!!!
The bleach I bought was not like Parazone, it was laundry bleach and so was a thin liquid that subsequently sloshed onto my hand when I opened it! It was more than salt to a wound, it was bleach to wounded eczema! As I am typing, my right hand is still irritated from the incident. Of all the places for bleach to spill...
On my eczema ;(

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