Saturday, September 25, 2010

God Bless the NHS

Hi everyone,

As you can imagine, I've been feeling flat this past week. Had a truck-load of assignments too, which was fun. I think the most 'exciting' thing, tragic actually, was that I had an accident. I sliced my finger open with a knife.

It looked like an over-boiled frankfurter, you know when it splits open and the flesh spills out...

Not nice at all. The blood wouldn't stop pouring so I had to have a couple of stitches. 140 AUD for two stitches.

Paying that hurt me more than the knife ;(

Can you see how the area is blue/green? The doc put the needle right in the wound, I nearly passed out.

I didn't let the wound hold me back. The next day I managed (not sure how) to make cook-up soup. Sidenote: Cutting pumpkin with a gammy hand is very difficult. Glad I managed it though ;)

Pumpkin, onions, potatoes, carrots, organic pasta, organic lamb and seasoning

The wound is healing nicely; despite the fact that the nurse didn't take out all of the nylon stitch, so I had to do a DIY job with my tweezers.


  1. Glad its healing. Thank goodness for the NHS for real!

  2. Oh my, just read this and love the frankfurter description!

  3. Soup looks great by the way
